Tuesday 27 January 2009

Cover Art - 'Deathtroopers' (Joe Schreiber)

I've shamelessly stolen this from Dave's Blog (thanks Dave!) as it is so cool that I just had to...

Apparently, Joe Schreiber's 'Deathtroopers' is the first horror novel to be set in the Star Wars universe and is due for a October 2009 release from Del Rey. I'm not a big fan of Star Wars novels these days (apart from the 'Republic Commandoes' series) but I'll be keeping an eye out for this one...

Check this out...

What do you think?


  1. A Star Wars horror novel? Interesting. Most interesting.

  2. Glad to have started the word-spread! :-) Looks awesome!

  3. That cover is sooooo cool. I can't believe that nobody has done this before. I've read a few Star Wars novels before (Thrawn trilogy, Shadows of the Empire, a couple of others) and thought that they were OK, but I will definitely be getting this. Thanks Graeme for bringing this to our attention.

  4. Don't thank me, this one is all Dave's :o)

  5. But you deserve an even bigger thank-you from me, Graeme: Del Rey / Spectra's publicity guy contacted me (Joseph) and offered to add me to their mailing list - thanks to your post! :-) So thank you! :-)

  6. That's so cool! Glad to have been of service :o)


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