Sunday 7 December 2008

'The Stupidest Angel' & 'Tales from the Perilous Realm' - Winners!

Hi everyone!

I've just got back from a night out on the other side of town and the plan is to go to bed and see if I can finish 'All the Windwracked Stars' before I go to work tomorrow. Before I do that though, I really ought to let you know who won the two competitions that I ran last week so without further ado...

'The Stupidest Angel'

Claudia Fernandes, Portugal
Gaspar Garcao, Portugal
Matjaz Markus, Slovenia

'Tales from the Perilous Realm'

Louise Hub, North Thoresby, UK

Well done guys! Your books will be on their way soon :o) Better luck next time everyone else...

Right, I'm off to bed. Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Thank you so much Graeme!! I can´t believe I won. I'm looking forward to reading the book!

  2. Hi, Graeme! :)

    I'm happy to win again another of your contests, the first one was the fabulous "Heart-Shaped Box", by Joe Hill, so if this book is at least half as good as the other one, i'm very glad, but i have to say that not is all "Wine and Roses"...

    What's this this thing i hear of another person from Portugal winning the same book as me?
    I thought i had the privilege of being the only reader and fan of Science Fiction in this small Rectangle by the Sea, and then i realise someone is trying to steal that from me... :(

    I'm very stressed and i shall harass small kittens dutifully, but in the meantime, be sure to find out if that girl is approved by the "Board of Portuguese Persons Winning Strange and Potentially Harmfull But Nevertheless Interresting Books... :)
    I shall and Want to Hear From You, Respectifully,

  3. Congrats Claudia (she's my friend).

    And there are lost of portuguese fans of SF / Fantasy. Check Epica or BadBookdontExist or Scifi freaks forum or....

  4. Hi!
    Of course i was joking in my first comment... :)
    You just have to check the time i made it to see that there was more than bad will at play, here...

    I was just surprised to see another portuguese in these competions, 'cause in the magazine i usually read and in the forum i frequent (SFX), there aren't many of them, and it certainly it's a pleasure. :)


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