Monday 15 December 2008

A Quick Update...

It’s getting round to that time of year where the time I normally spend reading is taken up by other things like visiting people, wrapping presents, getting drunk and mending the car (that bloody car...) The combination of all this means that while I’ve got loads of things that I will be posting about at some point I haven’t got anything to post about today... The best way round this (I thought) would be to let you all know some of the stuff coming up on the blog between now and the end of the year. It’s all good!


I’m trying to get into Brandon Sanderson’s ‘The Hero of Ages’ but it’s just not working for me right now. I’ve read the first two books though so I’m going to stick with it and hope that it clicks into gear soon... In the meantime, I’m also reading Mark Henry’s ‘Road Trip of the Living Dead’ and Patricia Rosemoor & Marc Paoletti’s ‘The Vampire Agent’ as short (and fun) reads that should keep things ticking over here until I can get some of the bigger books read. Which reminds me, George R. R. Martin’s ‘Busted Flush’ is also near the top of the pile and Ian Cameron Esslemont’s ‘The Return of the Crimson Guard’ is the book I’ll be taking to Devon to read over Christmas...


I’ve sent questions to James Barclay (‘The Raven’) and Robert Kirkman (‘The Walking Dead’) and hopefully they should be back soon. Looking a little further into the future I’m hoping to run some questions past Richard Morgan to coincide with the US release of ‘The Steel Remains’. I haven’t actually asked him yet but he seems like a really nice guy so I reckon he’ll say yes! :o)


I’m not watching any TV right now but expect that to change on Christmas Day when I will threaten to throw a huge tantrum if I cannot watch Doctor Who in the evening (What? I’ll be drunk, it’s ok if you’re drunk...) I’ll probably post something about that and also post something on any DVDs that I pick up over Christmas...


I’m working on filling the blog with some really cool giveaways for Christmas Week. There should be something there for everyone so stay tuned... :o)

Normal book reviewing service should (hopefully) resume tomorrow...

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