Saturday 13 December 2008

The 'Off to see my folks and get my presents!' Link-Up Spectacular!

By the time you read this I'll be driving off to Ipswich to see my family and hand over/receive loads of Christmas presents! I'll also be hoping that the front passenger window stays in place, as it should, and not fall into the innards of the car door (like it did last week)...
In the meantime, here's some of the stuff that has caught my eye over the last few days...

Adam puts the finishing touches to his 'Wheel of Time' re-read with a review of New Spring.

Fantasy Book Critic sheds the 'Indie Spotlight' on Greg Hamerton's The Riddler's Gift.

Larry has another go at trying to grasp a poor review with a lot of useful discussion arising in the comments section.

Fantasy Debut gives us the continuing adventures of an upcoming debut author...

Gav has a pretty cool looking competition for UK readers of his blog (and he managed to get a picture as well, I couldn't find one...)

Aidan's back (I missed him while he was away) with a review of Pamela Freeman's Blood Ties...

James points us in the direction of a preview chapter for John Marco's forthcoming book 'Starfinder'...

I haven't visited The Souless Machine for a while and I really should, you should as well!

'Realms of Speculative Fiction' has a review of Gile's Kristian's Raven: Blood Eye that is worth a read (the book is worth a read as well!)

And finally, John (over at 'Grasping for the Wind') reminds us that Books Are Great Gifts. There's no denying it, they are! :o)

I'll see you all tomorrow where I'll let you know who won the 'All the Windwracked Stars' and 'The Mystery of Grace' competitions...

Have a great Saturday!


  1. Aww, you missed me? You really missed me?

    You're such a sweety-pie, Graeme.



  2. Good luck for your travel. It's bit cold to drive without front window.

  3. Thanks for the link and I hope you have a great time!

  4. The internet just wasn't the same without you Aidan, you stick around this time y'hear me?


    Hi ediFanoB,

    We managed to get the window fixed. By 'fixed' I mean we jammed a piece of wood in the doorframe to wedge the window into place...

    Hey Tia,

    No problem at all and the weekend was pretty cool thanks! :o)

  5. Oh - thanks for the link. It's a really cool prize and I really want to enter!! Bah humbug!

    I think I got the pic off either the Tolkien site or a blog... though I can't remember which. I'm hoping that's what it looks like!

  6. From what I can remember of the description that's pretty much what it looks like...


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