Thursday 25 December 2008

Giveaway! 'The Winter of the World' Trilogy - Michael Scott Rohan

I'm very excited about this giveaway as this is one of the series that originally got me into reading fantasy. I love it (must be due for a re-read soon...) and thanks to Orbit I have copies of 'The Anvil of Ice', 'The Forge in the Forest' and 'The Hammer of the Sun' to give to one lucky winner. Hopefully they'll love it too!

If you want to enter then all you need to do is drop me an email (making it clear that this is the competition you want to enter) telling me who you are and where you live. I'll do the hard part and pick a winner...

This competition is open to everyone, it doesn't matter where you live! I'll let it run until the 4th of January 2009 and announce the winner on the 5th.

Good Luck!


  1. So far I didn't know this author.

    So I tried to find some more information:

    Beside the trilogy there are three more books settled in THE WINTER OF THE WORLD

  2. I've never heard of this author. I will have to investigate further.

  3. Of all Giveaway's this one is the most interesting. Hope to win. I've read some other novels by this author and I enjoyed greatly. Didn't knew they were going to be re-published. Thank you .

  4. I remember many years ago seeing book 1 on the shelf on repeated visits to the bookshop, it made it down to a choice between 2 many times but never won.

  5. Perkunos - I don't think they're going to be republished although there was talk of an omnibus edition being released... This competition is more about me wanting to draw some attention to an old favourite of mine ;o)

  6. I picked up 'The Anvil of Ice' over 5 years ago at a used book store but I only just read it a couple months ago!

    It's a fantastic fantasy read and I just recently got the next two sequels from Amazon. (It was the only place I could find them!)


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