Monday 22 December 2008

Giveaway! 'Twisted Metal' - Tony Ballantyne

Tor UK are giving this tale of a planet of sentient robots battling for supremacy a pretty big push and I for one am interested to see how it turns out. You are as well? As luck would have it I have an advance copy to give to one lucky winner...

To enter this competition simply drop me an email (making it clear that this is the book you are after) telling me who you are and what your mailing address is, I'll pick the winner...

This giveaway is only open to UK and European entries I'm afraid... It'll run until January 4th 2009 and I'll announce the winner on the 5th.

Good Luck!


  1. Looks interesting, will keep an eye out for this, thanks Graeme! :-)

  2. I ran across this on Amazon while looking at the upcoming books for 2009 and thought it looked interesting. It is on my "maybe" list, especially due to the high shipping costs to get it in the US.


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