Wednesday 24 December 2008

Giveaway! 'Raven: Bloodeye' (Signed) - Giles Kristian

I reviewed 'Raven' not so long ago and knew that this would be a book worth setting up a giveaway for :o)

Thanks to Transworld, I have three signed advance copies of 'Raven' to give to three lucky winners. If you fancy your chances at being a lucky winner (and this competition is open to everyone, it doesn't matter where you live!) then simply drop me an email telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. Remember to make it clear, in the subject header, that this is the competition you are entering. I'll pick the winners...

I'll let this giveaway run until the 4th of January 2009 and will announce the winners on the 5th.

Good Luck!


  1. I read your review which convinced me to put the book on my TBR list.

    And I get the opportunity to win the book!

    Thank you Graeme for this giveaway

    and of course good luck to all partipicants.

  2. This book really looks interesting. I love reading new authors that I havent had the chance to read before. I hope to win this one. Thanks


  3. Sounds like a good book. I would love to win. Thanks

  4. Thanks for the opportunity to win! This sounds like a great book!

  5. Thank you for the opportunity to win this!


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