Wednesday 3 December 2008

Giveaway! 'The Mystery of Grace' - Charles de Lint

So there I was, this morning, all ready to write my review of Charles de Lint's forthcoming novel 'The Mystery of Grace' when the publisher asked if I wouldn't mind holding off on this one for a little while longer (which is fair enough seeing as the book won't be published until March next year I think...)
All I'll say for now is that I enjoyed 'The Mystery of Grace' very much and I reckon that any fan of Charles de Lint's work will get a lot out of it as well...

Although I can't give you a review, what I can do is give one lucky person a chance for an early read. Thanks to Tor Books I have one advance copy of 'The Mystery of Grace' to give away. Do you fancy your chances? You do? Cool...

All you need to do, to be in with a chance, is just drop me an email (address in the top right hand corner of the screen) telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. UK, US and Canadian entries only though I'm afraid...
I'll let this one run until Saturday December 13th and announce the winner on the 14th...

Good Luck!


  1. sounds like a great book

  2. Charles de Lint is one of my absolute favourite writers and as he is also brilliant at YA books he is rapidly becoming one of my daughters favourites cant wait for this new book.


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