Saturday 6 December 2008

Giveaway! 'All the Windwracked Stars' (Elizabeth Bear)

I'm reading this at the moment and it's a slow starter that is shaping up to be a very interesting read. How would you like a free copy to try yourself and see if you think the same thing? You would? Then read on...

Thanks to Tor Books I have one copy of Elizabeth Bear's 'All the Windwracked Stars' to give away to one lucky winner (US, UK and Canadian entries only though)
Here's the synopsis from Amazon...

It all began with Ragnarok, with the Children of the Light and the Tarnished Ones battling to the death in the ice and the dark. At the end of the long battle, one Valkyrie survived, and one Valraven - the steeds of the Valkyrie.Because they lived, Valdyrgard was not wholly destroyed. Because the Valraven was transformed in the last miracle offered to a Child of the Light, Valdyrgard was changed to a world where magic and technology worked hand in hand.More than two thousand years later, Muire is in the last city on the dying planet, where the Technomancer rules what's left of humanity. She's caught sight of someone she has not seen since the Last Battle: Mingan the Wolf is hunting in her city.

If this sounds like your kind of book then all you need to do is drop me an email telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. I'll do the hard bit of picking a winner :o) Because I've got a few competitions running right now, please make it really clear in your email header that this is the book you're entering for.
As with the 'Mystery of Grace' competition, I'll let this one run until Saturday December 13th and announce the winner on the 14th...

Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. Currently reading my first Elizabeth Bear novel "New Amsterdam" which is actually a series of novellas about Abigail Irene Garrett, a woman past her youth but not beyond the occasional scandal, working as a forensic sorceress and an officer of the Crown.
    Which is dark, alternative history fantasy at it's best.
    I for one am eagerly awaiting All The Windwracked Stars and discovering her backlist.


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