Saturday 20 December 2008

Coming up in the next week...

Last year saw me do the 'Twelve Books of Christmas' giveaways, that's not going to happen this year (postage costs are a killer right now...) but I've come up with something that I think is just as good... :o)

While I'm away (drinking and eating to massive excess, I'm going to look like a beach ball by New Year) various publishers have kindly agreed to offer up books for a 'Christmas Week of Giveaways'! That's right, if you find yourself getting bored of playing monopoly with family members then log on here instead to find out what's on offer... There's some really cool stuff (if I do say so myself) to be had and I've managed to open a couple of the competitions up worldwide so anyone can enter :o)

The first competition will be up tomorrow, good luck! :o)


  1. I'm really nosy.

    It will get critical if you look like this by New Year:

    Anyway wish you A MERRY CHRISTMAS and ALL THE BEST FOR 2009.

  2. That could be me, I'm all about eating and drinking to excess over Christmas :o)

    A Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and your wife as well :o)


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