Saturday 15 November 2008

The 'We have guests Graeme, leave some food for them...' link-up extravaganza!

We're having a dinner party tonight which means that I'm going to have to restrain myself, at the table, and... you know... let other people get served first, things like that... I'm not used to this kind of behaviour at all, I fought for this food dammit (!), why should anyone else get their hands on it? Okay, I didn't actually fight for it although sometimes it feels like it when I'm trying to get to work in the morning...
Today will see me trying to be a good host and staying well away from whatever is going on in the kitchen. To keep you guys going, here's some links to all the cool stuff I saw around the blogosphere this week...

Highlander Books looks at Robert Rankin's The da-da-de-da-da Code. I really need to get around to reading this one...

Adam continues his 'Wheel of Time' re-read with The Path of Daggers.

Mark Chitty looks at Sean William's Cenotaxis, the book that I realised I should have read before getting into 'Earth Ascendant'...

James gets into Brent Weeks' 'The Way of Shadows', he's not 100% convinced but will stick around for the next book at least...

Liz has some news for any fans (that would be me then) of Max Brooks' 'World War Z'...

Blood of the Muse looks at the first issue of the 'Dresden Files' comic.

Tia looks at the opening chapters of Ann Aguirre's Grimspace, looks pretty cool to me...

Joe Sherry looks at Issue 14 of Electric Velocipede.

Finally, John points us at some free fiction over at Grasping for the Wind, he also gives a favourable review of Cafe a la Creme where he recently went for a meal.

What am I doing though? Apart from trying to appear helpful while everyone else gets on and gets dinner ready for this evening? I'm currently working my way through Michael Moorcock's 'The Stealer of Souls' collection and I also picked up some cool looking comics last night which I am going to sneak off and read the first chance I get... ;o)

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link, Graeme. Hope the dinner party goes ok!


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