Saturday 8 November 2008

The 'I haven't done this for a while' Link Up Spectacular!

Looking back I realised that I haven't done a link post for a while, we'll soon see about that I thought! Also, it's Saturday and I'm feeling a bit lazy right now... ;o)
Anyway, here goes...

Speculative Horizons gives us the US Artwork for Mark Chadbourn's 'Age of Misrule' series. Gav over at NextRead also features this.

I saw a 'Madam Mirage' graphic novel on the shelves, the other day, and wondered what it was all about. Fantasy Book Critic must be telepathic as he's only gone and Reviewed the very book I was looking at!

Ken wonders how sci-fi writers will address the feeling of hope that has sprung up in the wake of the US presidential elections.

Jeff's blog is a great place to visit if you're looking for reviews on a specific title as he collects links to all the reviews of genre books that he can find. He's just Updated the index so go and check it out!

Tia takes a look at what author Laura Benedict is up to One Year Later...

Sandstorm Reviews looks at The Adamantine Palace by Stephen Deas. I'll be posting my review on Monday.

Blood of the Muse looks at Issue Three of a series that I've been thinking of picking up.

Hagelrat does two reviews in one day!

Kristen offers her thoughts on 'The Graveyard Book'.

Finally, Grasping for the Wind points us at some Free Fiction from Cory Doctorow.

What am I doing? Right now I'm alternating between John Scalzi's 'Zoe's Tale' (because it's been on the pile for far too long...) and R. Scott Bakker's 'The Judging Eye' (because when a great book comes through the door the reading pile just has to be patient and wait a little while longer...)

Have a great weekend! :o)


  1. lol, i'm having a couple fo days off just because of the rate i've been reading at.

  2. I need to take some time off too. I actually looked at my house today and realized that my books were the only things not covered in dust....

    Great list, I was happy to see that I had already read most of those links :) but now I have some new ones to check out too!

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