Sunday 30 November 2008

Charles Stross & Neil Gaiman Competitions - Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered these competitions! Without further ado (because it looks like the exhaust is in imminent danger of coming off the car and I want to see what I can do about it...) the winners were,

'Prince of Stories (the many worlds of Neil Gaimain)'

Stephanie Dicks, Milwaukee, US

'The Merchant Princes Pack' (containing 'The Family Trade', 'The Hidden Family' and 'The Clan Corporate')

Chris Hudson, Leeds, UK
Jonathan Cook, Macclesfield, UK

Well done everyone, your books will be on their way soon...

Have a great weekend!


  1. I won something! Something I actually wanted! W00t! Thanks very much. I've been meaning to get into the Merchant Prince series but just haven't (despite reading all his other books). Just the thing for these surprisingly cold Cheshire nights. Thanks again!

  2. Hooray! Thanks so much.

    I actually hadn't known this book existed until I saw it on your blog, and had decided to purchase it as a Christmas present for someone else. Now I can have a copy too!


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