Sunday 26 October 2008

'Prador Moon'/'The Gabble' and 'Agent to the Stars' - Winners!

Sorry about the slight delay here, I couldn't access my email until about two minutes ago when I got through the door (I've been away this weekend)!

Anyways, without further ado the lucky winners are...

'Prador Moon' and 'The Gabble' (Neal Asher)

James Yarker, London, UK
Ken Reid, Nairn, Scotland
Jonathan Laidlow, Birmingham, UK

'Agent to the Stars' (John Scalzi)

William Leung, Arlington, Texas
Joseph Fries, Tacoma, US
David Wyatt, Fulton, US

Well done everyone, hope you enjoy your books!
If you didn't win this time around... er... look at the post below this one and see if anything takes your fancy ;o)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. Congratulations to all the winners, I can barely wait to get my paws on some new Scalzi.

  2. Fantastic!
    I am loving Asher's Polity novels so I'm really looking forward to reading these.
    Congrats to the other winners as well.

  3. Thanks Graeme. Loved Scalzi's books, so I'm hoping to enjoy this one.

  4. Many thanks Graeme! Books arrived yesterday and Prador Moon has a fantastic opening sequence that had me hooked by page 3.


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