Wednesday 22 October 2008

Graeme gets interviewed!

Thanks to Gav saying nice things about the blog (cheers Gav!) Mark Thwaite, from The Book Depository asked me if I wouldn't mind answering a few questions for his blog.
I love attention in all shapes and forms so (of course) I said yes! If you fancy a look at what I had to say for myself, along with a photo that doesn't give away too much of what I look like, then have a click right Here...


  1. So what was it like having the tables turned, then?

  2. Must remember NOT to say nice things! :)

    Clever use of a lightsaber. Why didn't I think of that!

  3. You deserved it.

    I hat questions like:
    What are your favourite blogs?

    Because I'm sure I will always forget one blog to mention.
    Anyway your list is part of my list.

  4. By the way your blog has been mentioned here:

  5. I've been reading (and enjoying) your blog for a while now and would like to add another Gav-based commendation. I need to sort out the links on my own page so that I can streamline them and fit more links in! Too many good sites to list at the moment...


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