Sunday 5 October 2008

Don't know what to read...

Right now I'm finishing off Alison Goodman's 'The Two Pearls of Wisdom' and I'm at that point where it's not worth taking it to work tomorrow as I'll have finished it by the time I get there. I've started on Thomas M. Disch's short story collection 'The Wall of America' but it's heavy going and I want to read something else at the same time to lighten things up a bit...

I've narrowed things down and now it's a straight choice between Brandon Sanderson's 'Mistborn' and Matthew Stover's 'Caine Black Knife, I just don't know which one to pick up. I know I've bumped 'Mistborn' up the pile, for this month, but 'Caine Black Knife' looks pretty cool it has to be said. Can you help me out here?

Leave a comment telling me what you think I should read alongside 'The Wall of America'. Whichever book has the most votes by the time I leave for work tomorrow morning is the book I'll be taking along with me...

I'll see you in the morning ;o)


  1. Don't know if it's wise to read the third Caine novel without having read the first two. But I'm surprised to learn that the Disch collection is tough going, since I found it to be hilarious, biting satire that flowed well. But based on your two finalists, Sanderson's book likely would be the easier to read.

  2. I've got to go with Mistborn too.

  3. I'll vote for Mistborn as well.

    I've enjoyed the first two, and I'm 2/3rds finished with Elantris right now.

  4. I'm gonna be totally original and say go for Mistborn as well :p I'm just reading it now and highly enjoying it.

  5. 'Mistborn' it is then :o)

    Larry - It's hard to put my finger on what I'm finding tough about Disch. 'The Wall of America' has some really beautiful stories ('The Owl and The Pussycat' and 'The Voice of the Kill) all of which do flow well. I think my problem, at the moment, is that I'm missing the satire even though I know it's there. By looking for it (maybe I'm looking too hard?) I'm interupting the flow of each tale...
    It's a gorgeous book though :o)

  6. Well, I will be original, I couldn't finish Elantris and I loved Heroes Die. If you don't mind starting with number three, but I think he wrote it to be read independently.


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