Tuesday 16 September 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Is thirty three 'early' or 'mid thirties'? I want it to be 'early thirties' but the white hairs in my beard are suggesting otherwise. Hmmmm...

Impending mortality to one side, it's my birthday today and I've reverted to being five and all excited about my presents and stuff. The only problem is that I'm at work and having to behave myself...

If you're in the Forbidden Planet shop (in London) tonight and see a bearded guy carrying loads of toys and comics... well, that could be any one of a number of people couldn't it? It will more than likely be me though... ;o)

Have a good one!


  1. I hope you have a fabulous birthday. And thirty three is very, very "early" ;)

  2. Happy Birthday! I call it a very firm early thirties as in my book, mid does not count until you hit 35...

  3. Happy Birthday ;) Hope it's a good one! And definitely 'early' thirties *g*

  4. Likewise, Gray, calm down a little man, calm down :).


  5. I call it "early-to-mid-thirties" but next year.... ;-)

    Happy Birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday! 33...so young....compared to me (49) :-)

    In order to sweeten your day I gahtered some quotes for you:

    "To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am."
    Bernard M. Baruch, 1940
    US businessman & politician
    (1870 - 1965)

    "There is no old age. There is, as there always was, just you."
    Carol Matthau, O Magazine,
    October 2003

    "Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough."
    Groucho Marx
    US comedian with Marx Brothers (1890 - 1977)


    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
    J. R. R. Tolkien,
    The Fellowship of the Ring
    British scholar & fantasy novelist (1892 - 1973)

  7. Happy Birthday, Graeme. May all your wishes come true :)

  8. Happy B-Day Graeme. Don't sweat the age thing!

  9. Happy birthday! Hope you had a great day! And 33 is young!

  10. 30-33 is early thirties
    34-36 is mid
    37-39 is late

    so you're good to go!

    happy birthday.

  11. Happy Birthday! 33 is young. And being grey is nothing. I've got lots of grey and have done most of my 20's. I hope you find some nice stuff in Forbidden Planet.


  12. Have a good one, Graeme! Or rather, I hope you had a good one! ;)

  13. Happy birthday Graeme! You are still in your early thirties; mid isn't until at least 34!

  14. Happy belated birthday, Graeme!

    Hope you found all the goodies you were looking for.

    Age... hmmm... you must be young to be considering the finer points... just give it a few more years and you'll be ignoring age as it becomes one of those irrelevant facts of live ;-)

    Have a great 34th year!



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