Sunday 14 September 2008

The 'Art Deco' Link-Up Spectacular!

I don't really know what 'Art Deco' actually is but apparently Eltham Palace is full of the stuff, I took my wife's word for it and (to be fair) it all looked pretty good from where I was standing...
All this means that I don't really have anything to post today so I'm going to let my fellow bloggers take up the strain instead! :o)

Adam is on a 'Wheel of Time' re-reading mission, starting with The Eye of the World. I'm going to let him finish all of the books and then ask him to summarise it for me...

Tia, over at Fantasy Debut, has a Blog Showcase for us...

Once you've gone through these links, head over to Nethspace for a few more...

Grasping for the Wind looks at Robert Buettner's Orphanage.

Realms of Speculative Fiction were away, now it looks like they're Back! I for one am glad cos' I like their blog :o)

Fantasy Book Critic is taking things in a slightly different direction (still cool though) with his Song of the Week posts.

Speculative Fiction Junkie takes a look at Ben Bova's Mars Life

Last, but by no means least, it's been a little while since I visited 'A Slight Apocalypse' so I thought I'd head over and catch up. He wasn't too keen on John Scalzi's Zoe's Tale...

What's that? What am I reading? Well... I've finished the latest Herbert/Anderson 'Dune' book ('Paul of Dune') and have to say that I wasn't too impressed. More on that tomorrow... I felt like a short sharp burst of horror, to get over it, so I'm now reading Nate Kenyon's 'The Reach'.

Hope you're all having a great weekend!

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