Friday 29 August 2008

A Week's Worth of Competition Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered any (or all) of the competitions that I ran last week, my email inbox was looking all fat and pleased with itself by the time I got back. ;o)
Without further ado, here are all the lucky people who will be seeing books come through the post very soon...

'Return of the Crimson Guard' (Ian Cameron Esslemont)

Seth Bell, Rochester, USA
Annette Farrington, Upottery, Devon, UK
Brett Romine, Kansas, USA

'The Mercy Thompson Series' (First Three Books) - Patricia Briggs

Brian Stabler, East Yorkshire, UK
Juan Ruiz Alconero, Madrid

'The Two Pearls of Wisdom' (Alison Goodman)

Mats Pedersen, Norway
Andrew Albert J. Ty, Santa Mesa, Phillipines
Trine Dissing Paulsen, Frederiksberg, Denmark

'Zoe's Tale' (John Scalzi)

Gopakumar Sethuraman, Richmond, USA

'Jhegaala' (Steven Brust)

Leisa Wooten, Covington, USA

Thanks again to everyone who took part and extra thanks to the people at Transworld, Orbit Books and Tor Books who very kindly supplied the books! If you didn't win this time then there are always more competitions on the horizon so keep your eyes open... :o)



    Thanks so much Graeme and everyone at Transworld for my soon to arrive copy of The Return of the Crimson Guard. I am thrilled to bits to be one of the lucky winners. The Malazan series is top of my list of favourite fantasy and I am so looking forward to getting another fix!!

    Thanks again, everyone!


  2. Hoooooraaaayyy!!!!

    I just want to thank Graeme and my parents and my grandmother and God and the Bible. But seriously, that's awesome and I'm really excited to be receiving this splendid prize for doing absolutely nothing. Giveaways are great!

    I really enjoy this blog! Thanks for working so hard to make it great.

    Seth Bell

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I won! Cheers Graeme. Although, did you have to shoot lil ole me? ;)

  5. Oh, yes! Woohoo! Thanks so much, Graeme! I'm absolutely stoked and am looking forward to reading The Two Pearls of Wisdom, which certainly promises to be fun reading.

    - Andrew

  6. Hooray! Thanks Graeme. I've read Old Man's War and now I'll have to catch up to this book.

  7. Wonderful! I'm looking forward to reading my copy of "Two Pearls of Wisdom".

  8. Sweet,thanks alot Graeme, first ever online win for me. Comes at a perfect time too, just finished Toll the Hounds and Last argument of Kings and need something new. Thanks

  9. Gracias!!!!!!!
    As I told Graeme when he emailed me about being one of the lucky winners of the Patricia Briggs' Books, I have arrived from the hospital with a broken nose as a result of playing high risks sports (in this case... basketball).
    So with a nose two miles wide and very sad... I have won my first web poll!!!!!
    Muchas gracias y ya os contaré qué tal!!!!


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