Saturday 9 August 2008

The Saturday 'I'm a little hung over but feeling strangely chirpy' link-up bonanza!

It's been a pretty cool couple of days what with one thing and another. Thursday night saw me get my copy of 'The Steel Remains' signed by Richard Morgan (who's a really nice guy by the way) and last night I was out on the town getting drunk, and generally making a nuisance of myself with my friends from the SFX Forum. All of this leaves me feeling more than a little fragile but buzzing at the same time!
I'm in no fit state to be telling you what I think about books, this morning, so here are some links to what other bloggers have to say... :o)

Not only has Pat had the decorators in, to spruce up his blog (looking good), but he also reviews David Louis Edelman's 'Multireal'.

The Book Swede has a bit of a 'Steel Remains' thing going on at his blog. Not only can you Win a copy of the book but there's also an Interview with Richard Morgan for you to read as well...

Fantasy Book Critic also has a 'Steel Remains' Review and Author Interview for your reading pleasure!

Adam read 'The Steel Remains' ages ago but has a review of The Briar King for you instead.

Aidan's talking about books that he knows he should like but doesn't...

Speculative Horizons has some Recommended Reading for you...

Grasping for the Wind looks at C.F. Bentley's Harmony

Last but not least... Realms of Speculative Fiction has a great review of Return of the Crimson Guard. Which reminds me, I really need to get back into 'Toll the Hounds'...

What am I up to? Trying to pick what book to read next is what I'm up to... They all look good, that's the problem...


  1. thanks for the link, I hope your head clears up so you can go do it again tonight...

  2. I did go and do it all over again and now my head feels all fuzzy... Oh well, back to work tomorrow...

  3. ahhhh...nothing like a good hungover ;). thanks for the link :)


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