Sunday 17 August 2008

I got Tagged!

Actually, I got tagged ages ago, by Aidan, and never got round to spreading the meme love. Better late than never I guess, here goes...

Nightstand/Table: Or, in my case, a patch of carpet next to the bed... There you will find copies of,

The three 'Nemesis the Warlock' collections.
'The Painted Man' - Peter V. Brett
'The Man with the Iron Heart' - Harry Turtledove
'The Last Colony' - John Scalzi
'Graceling' - Kristin Cashore

All waiting to be read/reviewed...

Reading at the Moment: 'Bitten to Death' by Jennifer Rardin. The 'James Bond meets Dracula' blurb is fairly apt, nothing too demanding but great fun to read.

Can’t Put Down: Right now it has to be anything written by John Scalzi, I cannot get enough of the 'Old Man's War' universe and these books literally have to pried out of my clutches in order to get me to do everday stuff. Like sleep or eat...

Gathering Dust: Steven Erikson's 'Toll the Hounds'. One of my most anticipated books of the year and I cannot find the time to properly get stuck into it (especially as it's sheer size makes it unsuitable for commuting). What is wrong with me? Stupid work...

Secret Indulgence: Strawberry Fruitellas, although it's not exactly a secret anymore. Back on the diet I go...
As far as books go... David Eddings' 'Belgariad' is most certainly NOT a secret indulgence. No sir, not at all...

Looking Forward To: A cold beer and the sun coming out :o) Oh, you mean books? Erm... GRRM's 'A Dance with Dragons', Joe Abercrombie's 'Best Served Cold' and the next 'Wild Cards' collection. And all the stuff that I've forgotten about...

Well, that's me. Once again I'm far too late to the party to tag anyone so if you want to tell me what's by your bed, or what your secret indulgence is, then that's what the comment box is for :o)


  1. Lol, for me it's Edding's Elenium - the way Sparhawk and his friends play havoc with those Church elections makes me grin with glee every time.

  2. Have you heard anything about KnorraSky The Deception by RA Knowlton?
    Saw a few things that sound great but very litle yet. Book is due out in weeks.


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