Sunday 31 August 2008

Your Sunday Morning Question...

Bear with me on this one as it's been ages since I've read 'The Lies of Locke Lamora'...

I was watching 'Oliver!' the other day (don't ask, sometimes you just can't stop these things happening...) and all of a sudden I realised that the songs would fit in really well with the story of 'The Lies of Locke Lamora'. Think about it, can you imagine the Gentlemen Bastards singing 'Consider Yourself at Home' or 'You've got to pick a pocket or two' to a young Locke? I certainly can! :o) I could also see Locke singing 'If I was a rich man' but that's from a different musical...

So my question to you is this, are there any musicals (either individual songs or the full film/show) that you think would fit in well with a particular sci-fi or fantasy work? Can you work a song from 'Spamalot' into 'A Song of Ice and Fire'? Is there room in 'The Wheel of Time' series for a few numbers from 'Cabaret'? (Unlikely but you never know...)

Comments please! :o)

1 comment:

  1. Unfair - you picked the easy One!!

    Well, extremely far fetched, but maybe there is something in The Ring Cycle for the Lord of the Rings. Of course, you could always use the theme tune from Black Beauty for Kirsten Britains Green Riders or use it somewhere in Tamora Pierces's Immortals Quartet. A hint of Jungle Book anytime one glances a Discworld Trunk maybe... well I was talking far fetched...



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