Sunday 27 July 2008

Links, Links and more Links...

While I was sat in a tent, all of last week, bloggers around the world were valiantly posting some damn cool stuff. I've just been browsing a few blogs and this is what I think you should be looking at if you haven't already...

Gabe Chouinard... A name that inspires awe wherever two or more bloggers meet over a hot mug of... erm... blogjuice? Seriously, I've been reading Mysterious Outposts and I'm definitely a fan. Have a click Here and then have a click Here as well, I'll leave you to find the other links yourself ;o)

While I was reading 'Empire in Black and Gold' last week, and coming up with some questions for an interview, Pat got there first and interviewed Adrian Tchaikovsky.

Chris has reviewed Feast of Souls, one of those books I meant to get round to last year but never quite managed. He can't wait for the sequel...

Before I went on holiday I received an ARC of Kristin Cashore's 'Graceling'. Adam also received a copy and has posted his review over Here.

Fantasy Book Critic is firmly on my 'list of blogs to visit daily' and the good work continues with a Review of Mike Carey's 'Vicious Circle' that comes with a bonus Q & A session at the end...

I haven't really looked at Blood of the Muse until now but it's all good, you should take a look if you haven't already...

Tia has a Links post with some pretty cool stuff on it.

Neth didn't like Mirrored Heavens as much as I did although I can see where he's coming from...

Rob tells us what he thought of the new Batman Film. As is now traditional, I'll say that I'm going to watch it but will never quite get round to actually going...

Aidan gives us some news on the upcoming Sword of Truth TV show and shares his thoughts on why Paul Kearney's The Ten Thousand wasn't for him...

What am I up to? Well, the plan is to finish 'Toll the Hounds' this week as well as some other (much shorter) books. Oh yeah... and I'm back to work tomorrow... :o(


  1. All sounds wonderful, except the doing back to work tomorrow!

    Hope it's not too much of a shock to system.

  2. "Awe", Graeme? Really? Heh heh! I can't imagine that's the right word. "Derision", maybe? "Vitriol"?

    Anyway, thanks for the links. I'm glad you're enjoying the new blog. Makes me happy!

    Blood of the Muse looks good too, even if it's kind of a strain to read....

  3. Gav - Work don't realise this but I'm taking a sneaky opportunity to ease back into the swing of things by not doing an awful lot while I'm at my desk... :o)

    Gabe - I'm pretty sure you've garnered a little awe. I could be mistaken though, there's a fine line between awe and vitriol ;o)


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