Friday 18 July 2008

I'm going on holiday!

Actually, by the time you read this post I'll be on holiday (driving down to Plymouth for a week in a tent in the middle of Dartmoor). Not to worry though, I've loaded up the blog with some pretty cool stuff that should keep you going until I get back (I love the 'post scheduling thing' on this!). It's all about the competitions next week with the chance to win copies of Jacqueline Carey's 'Kushiel's Scion' and signed copies of Adrian Tchaikovsky's 'Empire in Black and Gold'. As well as these, I've also got another 'Mystery Book Giveaway' coming up...

Just because I'm away it doesn't mean that you should stop emailing me, I love getting emails! I've got pretty much no internet access for the next week though so you'll have to wait a little while for a reply (I will get back to you though, promise).

I'll see you the week after next with a review of Peter Brett's 'The Painted Man', a whole load of stuff by John Scalzi and whatever else I can jam into the car to take away with me...

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