Saturday 5 July 2008

The 'I met Steven Erikson today' link-up spectacular!

The title gives it all away doesn't it (there will be a photo once I can get it off my phone)? Ever since I first read 'Gardens of the Moon', I've always wanted to meet Steven Erikson and ask him loads of questions about his books. Well, I got to meet him today (and got several of my books signed)but the cool demeanour I was aiming for was mysteriously replaced by my 'slack-jawed fanboy' face, oh dear... He's a really nice guy though and has promised me that Iskaral Pust will be meeting Kruppe at some point during 'Toll the Hounds', a meeting that I've been looking forward to for a long time! If you're a fan of the Malazan books, and living in the UK then you really need to find the time to get to one of these signings!

Because of this I've been grinning like an idiot all day and haven't got anything sensible to say. Isn't it a good job then that there are loads of other bloggers whose blogs are brimming with cool content? Let's have a look...

James got to Meet Steven Erikson as well and is a lot more coherent about it than I... He got to go to a Question and Answer session as well as a signing. James also mentions a new Networking Site especially for fantasy fans. I'm a member, you should sign up too!

Tia has encountered two Difficult Reads. Have you read them? If you have then let Tia know how you got on with them...

If you're a fan of sci-fi or fantasy then Robert's Spotlight for books out this month is a resource you need to be checking out. He also reviews Empire in Balck and Gold...

Larry has a pretty cool post on Textual Misreadings and has reminded me that I really need to get round to finishing Ellen Datlow's latest anthology.

Adam has a review of Toll the Hounds that is worth a look.

I've never really got into R.A Salvatore's books but Dark Wolf has reminded me that the covers do look pretty Cool.

Jay's blog has Moved and so has Laurence's. I need to remember to change my blogroll...

Last but not least, Blindman reviews Galileo's Children over on Realms of Speculative Fiction.

What am I doing while all this great content is going on? I've got loads of cool books on the go and some DVDs to catch up on :o)
Have a great weekend!


  1. I hope you said 'hi' to Steve for me....

    A Dribble of Ink

  2. How dare somebody move me!

    - Jay Tomio

  3. Hey Aidan!
    I had enough trouble forming coherent sentences as it was... *red face*

    Jay - Somebody moved you and didn't tell you?


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