Wednesday 30 July 2008

'Acacia' to get the movie treatment! (And how is the sequel going?)

It looks like Aidan has beaten me to it but David Anthony Durham is a really nice guy, and I got a lot out of 'Acacia' when I read it last year, so I reckon it's worth mentioning again :o)

If you're a fan of 'Acacia: The War with the Mein' then you'll be pleased to know that it's been optioned by Relativity Media who have hired a screenwriter to work on the screenplay.
I know next to nothing about the movie business but am sure that there's plenty more steps to go, in the process, before we can see 'Acacia' on the big screen. Still good to hear though, I'll be keeping an eye out for more about this one.

Edited to add: I've been emailing David and asked him how things were going with the sequel to 'Acacia'. Here's his reply...

The Other Lands (working title) is coming along. I've had a tough writing year in that I've been doing so damn many other things - lots of teaching related stuff, family things, and cons (which have been great fun, really). Anyway, though...

I'm pleased to say that I did reach a milestone of sorts a few days a go - the point at which I realize that I know everything that needs to happen before I can call the book done. There are plenty of details to be made up, but there aren't really any missing pieces anymore. I'm writing for the end, and I can see the highway (or the highways considering the multiple story lines) ahead of me.

Doubleday has me penciled in for a Fall 2009 publication (maybe even late summer). I'm gunning to deliver the manuscript in time to make that happen. Hopefully you won't have forgotten all about me by then!

I'll be penciling that in my diary too!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds cool - but sadly there is a gigantic way to go before it reaches the screen.

    While I have very little actual experience with the industry I sort of know the guy who was hired to write the screen play for Saucer (by Stephen Coonts) - that was years and years ago.

    As you are probably aware it still hasn't made it to the silver screen. But, I'll keep my fingers crossed for this book and hope that things sail more smoothly for it.


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