Friday 13 June 2008

'Malazan Taster' Competition - The Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered this competition and made it one of my most successful to date. There could only be two winners though and these lucky people will each receive a 'Taster Pack' containing 'Gardens of the Moon', 'Deadhouse Gates', 'Memories of Ice' and 'House of Chains'. There's some great reading in store there! :o)
What's that? Oh yes, the winners... They are...

Cheryl Lim, Queensland, Australia
Erik Hanson, Massachusetts, USA

Well done! Your books are on their way even as we speak...
Everyone else who entered - Sorry you didn't win but go and get yourself a copy of 'Gardens of the Moon' anyway, it's worth it ;o) Just don't do what I did and start reading from 'Memories of Ice', trust me when I say it doesn't work...
There will be more competitions in the future so stay tuned!


  1. WOW, I can't believe I've won! I usually don't even win the consolatory leftover notepad paper from those lucky draws where you're not supposed to lose at.
    This is definitely not notepad paper. :D Thanks, Graeme! Looking forward to finally reading Erikson.


  2. Wow I won, and on Friday the thirteenth! I didn't expect this. I cant wait to start reading the books.
    I'm amazed, this is the first time in my life i have ever won a contest.
    Thanks Graeme! You're the best.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Congratulations Cheryl and Erik! I hope you enjoy the reading...Know that I am super jealous!


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