Tuesday 3 June 2008

'The Books of the South' - Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered this competition. I'm a big fan of the Black Company so it's been great to spread the word about how great this series is :o)
Unfortunately there could only be three winners and these lucky folks are,

Jeff Timmers, Highlands Ranch, USA
Ed Curtis, Huntington, West Virginia, USA
Robert Dover, Cambridge, UK

Well done! Your copies of 'The Books of the South' will be on their way to you shortly.
Everyone else - Better luck next time! (There will be a next time...)


  1. My first win!!! Can't wait to visit the south.


  2. :o I won something! Yay! I've been needing a reason to start on Cook for a while, this is perfect :).


  3. Woo Hoo!! I love winning, especially anything as fabulous as this. Thanks Graeme.

  4. I've just had an email from Tor, your books are in the mail so hopefully you won't have to wait too long... :o)


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