Sunday 25 May 2008

Who wants a spare copy of 'Bloodheir'?

A few months ago I was given an advance copy of Brian Ruckley's 'Bloodheir' which I've finally got round to reading (it's good, check it out!) So when a hardback copy of 'Bloodheir' came through the door on Friday afternoon I was left with one book more than I actually needed...
Does anyone want my spare hardback copy of 'Bloodheir'? You do? Ok, here's what you have to do. Just drop me an email (address at the top right hand corner of the screen) telling me who you are and your mailing address. I'll pick a winner next Saturday (31st May) and announce it on Sunday. It's that simple so... what are you waiting for? :o)


  1. I was going to give away the ARC but that seems a bit stingy now, when you're giving away the hardback!! :) Nevertheless, I hope you don't mind if I run a similar contest for the ARC? :)


  2. I'm looking forward to this one. Fortunately I already have a copy.

  3. Yay I won!! w00h00. Cheers Graeme.
    Can't wait to get stuck into it.

  4. Its sad i got to your blog so late. I wish i had come here earlier and won this book. How ever i liked the idea of giving doubles to guys over the net.
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