Thursday 29 May 2008

'Scar Night' - The Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered the competition but there could only be three winners and they were...

Benjamin Yang, Singapore
Tara Weinberg, Cape Town, South Africa
Riva Gregorio, Santa Clarita, California

Your books are on their way (thanks again to the nice folk at Tor)! Hope you enjoy them...
Everyone else - Better luck next time. There's still a couple of competitions that you can enter (if you haven't already) and there will be more competitions in the near future! ;o)


  1. Thanks heaps Greame!

    With the frequent reviews and contests, i really love frequenting your blog. In fact, i make it a point to drop by at least once a day. I am really glad that i won a prize here!

    Please keep up the good work you've done with your blog!


    - Benjamin

  2. Thanks so much Graeme and Tor

    Really looking forward to reading this book!!!

    Thank you

  3. Thank you ever so much Graeme!

    I can't wait to get my hands on this great read. Thank you as well for all your wonderful reviews. Keep up the good work!

    Thankee thankee thankee...

    :) - riva


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