Friday 9 May 2008

'Night of Knives Competition' - The Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered this competition. If I could, I'd give a book to everyone who emailed but that wouldn't make it much of a competition would it? :o)
Anyway, the lucky winners are...

Leticia Daquer, Italy
Thomas Stott, Stirlingshire, Scotland
Will Masters, Hertford, UK

Nice one guys, your books are on their way right now! Thanks again to Transworld Books for supplying the books.
Better luck next time everyone else, keep your eyes open as there will be more giveaways...


  1. Yay! I never win anything anywhere, and now I get this truly awesome book, from what I've heard! I love gifts. Love them. Thank you Graeme! :)

  2. congrats to the winners

    hope I win soon:)

    Looks like a sounds like a brilliant book and the cover book jacket artwork looks excellent as well

  3. This is the first thing I've ever won via blogging.

    Dead dead chuffed, looking forward to reading the book.

  4. Fantastic, it's made my day winning this, can't wait to read it! Thanks Graeme!


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