Wednesday 7 May 2008

Mike Carey Competition - The Winner!

Thanks to everyone who entered, it does my ego the world of good to see loads of emails in my inbox! :o) Unfortunately though there could only be one winner and that lucky winner was...

Jonathan Laidlow, Birmingham, UK

Well done Jonathan! Your books will be on their way as soon as I can fight my way past the massive queue in the post office...
Better luck next time everyone else (and there will be more competitions in the future). It's not quite the same as winning but if you buy yourself a copy of 'The Devil You Know' and 'Vicious Circle' then it will be money very well spent indeed!


  1. brilliant books

    were great reads when I read them

  2. Just received the books - fabulous stuff. Many thanks Graeme. Love the new covers, and looking forward to more about Castor from Carey.


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