Monday 21 April 2008

They're actually going to make me work today, here's some links to keep you going!

Every so often, my boss not only remembers that he hired me but he also remembers where I'm sat in the office. This invariably means that I have to do some work, something that never fails to shock and disgust me :o( In the absence of my own content today, here's a handy set of links to what everyone else has going on. In the meantime, spare a thought for poor ol' me while I try and look busy...

Chris the Book Swede is not writing a
Review! Definitely not, no sir... It made me laugh :o)

Fantasy Book Critic Interviews Alan Campbell, I'm now really looking forward to reading my copy of 'Iron Angel'...

Sci-fi Chick reviews Lisa Shearin's 'Armed and Magical'.

The Wertzone has a very informative author profile on Alastair Reynolds.

Once you finished looking at the links here, head over to Larry's Blog where there are loads more links for your delectation and delight!

Realm's of Speculative Fiction is your one stop shop for a comprehensive list of all the great blogs you should be visiting. Is that a link to my blog you can see there? I believe it is... :o) Thanks guys!

Speculative Horizons took me on a trip down memory lane with
this 'Fighting Fantasy' cover. Pretty cool stuff!

Aidan continues his mighty quest to show us all the spots where you can get Free Readin' on the internet.

Last but not least, The Deckled Edge shines a Spotlight on this week's new releases.

What am I up to while everyone else is coming up with all this great stuff? Well, funny you should ask that... I'm reading David Gunn's 'Maximum Offense' (the sequel to 'Death's Head') and there will probably be a review posted in the next couple of days. After that it's Jeff Somers' 'The Digital Plague' and I really want to read 'The Born Queen' at some point...


  1. Dear Graeme, I know what you are going through. The last three days I was busy with work as hell. Unfortunately I'm my own boss and I couldn't fool myself :)

    One more thing, can I add your blog to my blog roll?

  2. You certainly can :o) That will remind me to return the favour!

  3. Cheers for the link, and I'm glad you liked the not-a-review! ;) It's really unfair to expect anybody to work on a Monday! (Or, generally, throughout the week at all!)

  4. thanks for the mention graeme :)

  5. Right on, thanks for the linkage, Graeme!

    A Dribble of Ink


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