Wednesday 23 April 2008

I've got no content to add today so here's someone else's...

A doctor's appointment, and people actually expecting me to do stuff at work, has put a bit of a crimp in my plans to review 'The Digital Plague' today. Keep your eyes open for a review tomorrow and then go and buy the book when it hits the shops, it's that good :o)
In the meantime, I saw a couple of things on the Orbit website that I thought I'd share...

Don't you just hate it when you're collecting a series of books and the covers change halfway through? I do... I've been collecting Mike Carey's 'Felix Castor' series and the cover art has been changed for the third book. It could be worse I guess, it could have been a ten book series where the art work was given a radical makeover halfway through (I'm looking at you Mr Erikson...)
Anyway, This article is about something completely different but it does show the new artwork for the first three 'Felix Castor' books. I'm not sure if these are in the shops yet but are well worth picking up if they are...

If you haven't already read Jeff Somers' 'The Electric Church', and your tastes run to gritty cyberpunk, then you need to get yourself a copy sooner rather than later! If you have read 'The Electric Church', have a quick look at
This cartoon while you're waiting for 'The Digital Plague' to hit the shelves (you can win a copy of this over at Pat's site). It made me laugh :o)


  1. Bosses/Doctors never appreciate that running a blog TAKES TIME, damn it! ;)

  2. I know what you mean about book covers, but I've got one worse than just that. I got House of Suns through the post today and although it put a smile on my face, it was short lived. I put the book next to my other Reynolds ones and they've actually changed the size of the hardback :@ Out of all things to change, it would be the one that makes the damned thing stand out next to the other ones...


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