Saturday 15 March 2008

The Saturday 'my internet is down so I'm doing this at my neighbour's' link-up bonanza!

Yes, I managed to break the internet at home so am doing this from my neighbour's house! If you haven't seen it already, these are the things I liked this week...

Gav reviews 'Un Lun Dun' over at Next Read

The Wertzone has a look at Steph Swainston's The Year of Our War and also points us in the direction of an early review of 'The Steel Remains'.

The Fantasy Hotlist has a great competition for anyone who's a Malazan fan...

The Book Swede has a few thoughts On Magic...

Fantasy Book Critic absolutely loved The Duma Key...

Aidan adds his voice to the list of people who love Last Argument of Kings

Talking of which, Joe Abercrombie has a few things to say about
Last Argument of Kings himself...

Joe Sherry has been reading Glen Cook's A Cruel Wind and has posted his thoughts...

And last but not least, Tia shines the debut spotlight on Mad Kestrel by Misty Massey (True Fact: My Deputy Head at primary school was called Mr Massey, coincidence or...)

What am I doing? Apart from waiting for the telephone connection to be fixed I've given up on 'The Oblivion Society' (Marcus Alexander Hart). It started off great but took a downturn when the author took too long recounting events leading up to the great beginning. I don't care about what happened before the great beginning, just get on with telling the story! I'm now having another crack at 'The Name of the Wind', I've got the week off work so should have plenty of time for reading :o)

Have a great weekend!

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