Sunday 2 March 2008

The 'I think your blog has a cool name' link-up spectacular!

These are the blogs that make me wish I'd taken a little longer coming up with a name for my own...

A Dribble of Ink points us at some pretty cool free reading...

A Slight Apocalypse reviews one of my favourite vampire books...

Blogorob shines his spotlight on a subgenre that doesn't have a specific name but does have loads a wizard detectives and vampire hunters...

Jumpdrives and Cantrips looks at the first contact novel 'A Small and Remarkable Life'.

Larry is Trying to grasp poor and muddled reviews over on OF Blog of the Fallen...

Sandstorm Reviews looks at 'The Hyperion Cantos', I really need to read 'The Terror' at some point...

Chris the Book Swede reviews Ken MacLeod's 'The Execution Channel'

The Deckled Edge tells us what's where in the New York Times bestseller list...

And finally, the Wertzone recommends that we track down a copy of Paul Kearney's Riding the Unicorn.

What am I doing? Well, I've just finished reading Matthew Sprange's 'Shadowmage' and I've still got Joel Shepherd's 'Crossover' on the go. Expect to see reviews in the next few days.
Have a great weekend!


  1. If it makes you feel any better I wracked my brains for an awesome name for at least a month. Not having come up with anything, I prevailed upon my husband, who came up with "Jumpdrives & Cantrips" in roughly three seconds!

    You're not the only one jealous of other peoples' naming ability ;)

  2. Thanks for the link, Graham ;)

    I got my blog name off of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", season 7. Originally I was only calling it "the Apocalypse", which was, all things considered, a bit worn out and boring.

    "A Slight Apocalypse" has much better ring to it and it gives me the opportunity to do a lot of different stuff; not just fantasy reviews.

  3. I'm reading The Terror right now...definitely worth picking up.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm not sure if our blog name is "special", but it sums up our content quite well :).

    My girlfriend is reading The Terror atm and is loving it. Simmons is really one of the best. cheers!

  6. Thanks for linkage Graeme.

    I actually go by two names: blogorb for the URL and the blog's title is very hum-drum: Rob's Blog o' Stuff.

  7. Thanks for the linkage, Graeme!

    I'm tickled to be included in the "I think your blog has a cool name" group of blogs! Count me in as another big fan of Jumpdrives & Cantrips.

    I'll admit that A Dribble of Ink was just something that popped into my head at the last minute. I wanted to have a name that set me apart abit... but I'll admit to not putting a whole lot of thought into it. I guess I got lucky!

    A Dribble of Ink

  8. Heh, thanks for the linkage. Thinking up a blog name was a real pain; I wanted something that was a bit unusual but not too obviously genre-specific, and also not all wizardly and wanky. In the end I picked Sandstorm cos I wanted to use the desert photo in my template!

  9. thrinidir - Just had a look at your blog, I'll add it to my blogroll when I get a chance ;o)

    Hey Alice! I never thought of naming my blog after the template... Having said that though, the template I use doesn't exactly lend itself to a cool blog name!

    Hi Rob, 'Rob's Blog o' Stuff' is pretty cool as well ;o)

    I was having real difficulty coming up with a cool blog name and in the end it was my wife who suggested 'Graeme's Fantasy Book Review' (it does exactly what it says on the tin!). I live in constant jealousy of you all... ;o)

  10. Thanks, Graeme :)

    I have the honour of La Gringa saying (a very long time ago -- I have a great memory when it comes to compliments!) that The Book Swede was one of her favourite blog names... Right on! ;)

    Although, it has the drawback of no publisher ever wanting to include a quote from me! :D

    I'm not even Swedish either, Swede was a nickname of mine I rediscovered when I met up with some old friends!

    I should have found some way to include Fantasy in my title, though.

    Thanks for the linkage!

    The Book Swede

  11. Thanks for the link Graeme!

    I'm actually like you in that I have difficulty coming up with interesting names. I had come up with several and was having trouble deciding, yet I realized later I had already chosen the one I would use. Strange isn't it?


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