Tuesday 25 March 2008

Giveaway! 'The Cassandra Kresnov Trilogy'

The last few weeks have seen me reading (and really enjoying) Joel Shepherd's 'Cassandra Kresnov' trilogy, the high octane tales of a synthetic human making her way in a brave new world and caught between various factions that would rather see her dead. The series comprises Crossover, Breakaway and Killswitch and is a hefty dose of poilitical intrigue/people firing big guns which should appeal to any sci-fi fan.
Sounds good doesn't it? How do you fancy winning the entire trilogy? You do? Well here's what you have to do...
Send me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and where you live (full postal address please, that way I can get the books to you a whole lot quicker), anyone can enter but you can only enter once!
I'm going to let this competition run until next Monday (31st March) and I'll announce the winner on Tuesday.

Good Luck!

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