Wednesday 5 March 2008

Free Download! Richard Kadrey's 'Butcher Bird'

I've got no idea what 'DRM' stands for but Night Shade Books are releasing Richard Kadrey's novel 'Butcher Bird' as a DRM-free download. I've had a quick look and ended up having to remind myself that I should be working right now...
Here's the press release,

Back in 2005, a very different version of Richard Kadrey's novel Butcher Bird began its life as a free download posted online at The Infinite Matrix. At the time, it was called Blind Shrike. In 2007, Night Shade Books published our version.

Now it's back. With the cooperation of Richard Kadrey, Night Shade Books is proud to make the entire text of Butcher Bird available as a DRM-free download, in a wide variety of formats, so that everyone can enjoy this amazing novel of black magic and arcane mysteries, however and wherever they want. The World of Butcher Bird is one where angels and devils brawl in the streets, where the Black Clerks charged with keeping the Dominions in check have developed their own dark agenda, where the swordswoman known as Blind Shrike battles monsters in deadly combat, where a civil war has broken out in Hell, and where Spider Lee, an unassuming San Francisco tattoo artist, and his drinking buddy LuLu Garou, have been dropped right smack into the middle of the action.
Richard himself describes the book as "the Gnostic Gospels meets Wild at Heart." Butcher Bird is an odyssey that will take you from the San Francisco underground to decadent palaces to the very gates of Hell… and beyond!

Richard Kadrey is the author of six novels, including Angel Scene, Kamikaze L'Amour, and the quintessential cyberpunk novel Metrophage. His short fiction has appeared in numerous anthologies, as well as the magazines Asimov's, Interzone, Omni, and Wired.

Fancy a free read? Head on over Here where you can download 'Butcher Bird' and a couple of other tales too. Thanks go to John Joseph Adams (Night Shade Books) for the heads up ;o)


  1. You shouldn't admit things like "I don't know what DRM is" on the internet.

  2. If you don't ask then you'll never find out ;o)

  3. Data Rights Management -- if a song or whatever has it, you can't send to friends, etc: other illegal activities! Damn it!

    So, this is cool :D


  4. OH! I love the cover art for this book. I have downloaded it.


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