Thursday 28 February 2008

Something a little different...

It has nothing to do with sci-fi or fantasy but does have the potential to turn into a horror story! Here goes...
On March 23rd my wife will be going on half a plane journey. 'Half a plane journey?' I hear you say. Well yes, because when the plane reaches 10,000 feet she'll be jumping straight out and parachuting back down to the ground. Now, I'm one of those people who think that a plane is something that you use to travel from A to B, not jump out of halfway through. My wife would normally agree but this time it's for charity so she's going for the 'throw herself out of a plane option'!
The charity is called 'COSMIC' (Children of St Mary's Intensive Care)and it raises money for the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington, London, which now treats around 500 desperately sick children every year. A couple of my wife's colleagues have relatives who have used this facility and the three of them have decided to give something back. Everything they raise will be used to provide life saving equipment, support and accommodation to parents and to fund training, education and an internationally significant research programme at Imperial College London looking at the causes, effects and treatment of childhood diseases.
My wife is seeking sponsorship for the parachute jump (she's not so daft as to do this for free!) and that's the whole point of this post really. If you would like to donate any money there's a handy little on-line sponsorship form over Here. The minimum donation is £2 and all donations will be gratefully received! :o)
Thanks guys, I'll see what I can do about posting some pictures on March 24th...

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