Sunday 24 February 2008

The 'I am so unfit' Sunday Link-Up Spectacular!

I've just got back from Greenwich Park having spent an hour chasing after my wife who is difficult to keep up with when she is on roller blades... Any stupid dreams I harboured of just turning up on the day and completing the London Marathon have been consigned to the rubbish bin as I am still trying to get my breath back!
While I'm recovering, here's some great stuff that I've noticed while slacking off work during the week...

John has been eagerly waiting for Ian Graham to write anything since the 2002 release of 'Monument'. Just as John was about to give up all hope of any new stuff being published he found This...

There's a new blog in town, it's got a very cool name and lots of great content too. Check out Jumpdrives & Cantrips (which I really need to include on my blog-roll...)

Larry shares a quick thought on the Show Vs Tell Maxim, I wonder what book he's reading...

I love reading The Book Swede's Blog and he loved reading Sharp Teeth.

SQT isn't a fan of the new 'Knight Rider' show...

Gav is a big Mark Chadbourn fan and very much enjoyed Jack of Ravens.

"What about you though?" I hear you ask. Well, I can tell you that Nate Kenyon's 'Bloodstone' is an amazing read and I'll probably have a review up tomorrow. What I'm going to be reading after that though is anyone's guess...
Hope you all had a great weekend and don't work too hard this week ;o)


  1. Thanks for the include! I've also been meaning to update my blogroll list, but I'm a little less prompt about it than you seem to be! *grin*

  2. Yeah, even the Hoff couldn't save the new Knight Rider.

    Thanks for the mention.


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