Tuesday 19 February 2008

'FreakAngels' - New Warren Ellis comic online

I know next to nothing about comics but I do know that Warren Ellis is one of those comic book people whose name inspires awe in people who know about this sort of thing. I'm still to graduate from 'reading comics and then putting them back on the shelf at the shop' (I know, I know) so when I saw on Elusive Twilight that Warren Ellis' 'FreakAngels' online comic had just gone live I thought I'd head over and have a look. It's in that format where you get a few pages every week but the six pages that are up should keep you going for a while. London's pretty much underwater and a group of people (with strange powers) are about to be visited by a woman with a shotgun... Fancy a look? Head on over Here, it's looking pretty good so far...

1 comment:

  1. I love Warren Ellis' work and I'm pretty excited for FreakAngels :) Plus, the way he's offering it is great!


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