Wednesday 16 January 2008

'The Red Wolf Conspiracy', Fantasy Debut for 2008?

That's a pretty tough one to answer so early in the year but there are already promising noises being made about the opening chapter in Robert Redick's 'The Chathrand Voyage' trilogy. Don't believe me? Have a look Here and then head on over Here as well. There's certainly enough good things said to make me mark this title as one to definitely look out for...
Not only are we getting early reviews but there's also an Author Website where you get to check out the first chapter amongst other things. Not only do you get this but one of my favourite purveyors of quality interviews has thrown some questions at Redick and posted the answers on his blog. Have a look Here for Chris' interview...
All sounds like good stuff, I'm looking forward to seeing what 'The Red Wolf Conspiracy' is like when it comes out in February...


  1. Sounds interesting. I'll expect a full review. On February 9. *g*

  2. I just started this book :) Pretty interesting so far. Hopefully he can keep it up!

  3. Thanks for the linkage! :) I'm definitely looking forward to it :D

    (The Book Swede, but my Google account is playing up!)


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