Sunday 27 January 2008

'Lazy Sunday' Link Up!

The sun is out (for the first time in how long?), and I haven't finished reading any of the books that I've got on the go, so I thought I'd give you some links to places that I think are well worth having a look at...

John, over at Speculative Horizons has just started blogging and already has a review of 'Last Argument of Kings' up. He also finds time to vent some spleen at sub-standard art on fantasy book covers...

The Book Swede's 'Quote of the Week' continues, this time the quote supplier is one Philip Palmer...

Larry has just read David Keck's In a Time of Treason and says that it's a definite improvement on 'In the Eye of Heaven'.

Tia has an interview with Adrian Phoenix (author of 'A Rush of Wings') over at Fantasy Debut

And finally... Pat has just found out what books he will be reading after having lost his bet with GRRM. Have a look over Here to see what looks like some interesting reading coming up for Pat...

Have a great Sunday everyone!


  1. Many thanks for the linkage, Graeme! I'm glad the sun is shining in London, as it's nasty and grey up here in Manchester!

  2. I'm hoping to start David Keck's books soon. I plan on reading them back-to-back, so we'll see how that goes...


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