Tuesday 1 January 2008

Happy New Year!

The title says it all really ;o) Hope you all had a good one last night, whatever you ended up doing. I’ve got the hangover I promised myself but we never made it to the fireworks in the end, for some strange reason we preferred drinking copious amounts of red wine and doing a jigsaw of a gardener being attacked by a ravenous giant caterpillar… We’re not people for traditional New Year’s celebrations ;o)
New Year is the time for making resolutions, most of mine seem to involve losing lots of weight and staying away from sweets and chocolate. Maybe some light exercise as well, I’m certainly resolving never to feel as hungover as I do right now! I also have resolutions for the blog, the main one being to work my way through the ‘still to be read’ pile that is slowly taking over the room. If you’ve sent me a book, and haven’t seen it reviewed yet, then keep an eye out this year! The other main one is to try and avoid reviewing the same stuff, as other bloggers, at the same time (I’ve been really bad with this). We’re all fans so there will be an overlap every now and then (in what we read) but everyone will benefit from a little variety I reckon ;o) Having said that, first up for 2008 is Joe Abercrombie’s ‘Last Argument of Kings’, there’s a slight overlap with The Wertzone and Sandstorm Reviews but (this once) I don’t care because it’s turning out to be a damn fine read so far. It’s certainly raising my standards for everything else that I’ll be picking up this year. If you’re a fan then I guarantee you’ll enjoy this, look for a review in the next few days…
That’s about it for me today. I’m going to find a dark corner and wait for the pain to go away…

Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Happy New Year mate, have fun blogging in 2008! \o/

    Good luck with the hangovers too, in 2008. :p

  2. Yeah, I've noticed the overlap, too. Once or twice I've encouraged it slightly, but only cause I've noticed a really cool read and gone "must have!!" :)

    Sound like you had a really good Xmas and New Year!, and I'm well impressed at all the posting you've got done. My blog's been in stasis for a bit too long now... I'll be back soon! :D

    The Book Swede

  3. My hangover was monster sized, I'd certainly have to go some way to beat it...

  4. Happy New Year! Looking forward to the temptations you put my way in 2008!!




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