Friday 25 January 2008

'Half the Blood of Brooklyn' Giveaway - Who won?

I'll tell you who won...

Emily Hutchinson, from Harrogate, won a copy of the UK edition and also managed to bag herself a copy of 'The Shotgun Rule' in the process. The US edition went to Benjamin Sparrow (Coralville, IA). Happy reading guys!
Thanks to everyone else who entered. There will be more competitions in the near future so stay tuned...

In the meantime, I'll bet you're all wondering what's up next on my sci-fi/fantasy schedule. Well, I've just started reading Kay Kenyon's 'The Bright of the Sky' and have got that lovely warm feeling you get when you pick up a book and realise that it's even better than you thought it was going to be. I'm also going to be seeing 'Sweeney Todd' over the weekend, the wife likes Johnny Depp while I like seeing people wrapped up in pastry and fed to an unsuspecting public (everyone's a winner!) 'Cloverfield' is also looming on the horizon and, despite some negative reviews, I'm looking forward to seeing New York getting stomped on (by a large monster) yet again :o)


  1. Great - many thanks Graeme, well done to Benjamin too :)

  2. Woohoo! Thank Graeme, I can't wait to read it.

    You too Emily.


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