Thursday 3 January 2008

George RR. Martin News!

No, 'A Dance With Dragons' hasn't been completed but it looks like GRRM is rolling up his sleeves in preparation to have it finished by the summer. Head on over Here for George's first update, on the series, since February last year. It's looking hopeful that we could see 'A Dance With Dragons' this year but as George says, "I am not swearing any blood oaths here..." Fingers crossed eh?
What we do get though is a new sample chapter to keep us ticking over for a bit longer. It's a 'Jon Snow' chapter and it makes for good reading.


  1. His books are overall decent but hardly unique, he was supposed to have this book (Dance with Dragons)out a very long time ago.

    Truly, I longer care when he releases it... even if he did release it today I would wait half a year before buying it. It will easily save you half a price...

    Pretty much, there are other things worth reading... and the way it goes this series might never be finished.

  2. When is the release of "Dance with Dragons"?

  3. Hi Beth - I had an email from Harper Collins who say that they're hoping GRRM will hand the book in by Christmas (for the April '09 publication date). They're not sure if this will happen though...

    Anon - There are plenty of other things worth reading in the meantime but I still think this one will be worth the wait :o)


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