Monday 7 January 2008

Being on holiday is much better than the alternative...

I am well qualified to comment as, after two blissful weeks away, I'm now back in the office... I didn't even have time to acclimatise, they just expected me to come straight back to work the second my holiday was over! Is that even legalin this enlightened day and age...?
So it's back to reading reports and emails, rather than reading things that I actually enjoy, but I've still got plenty on the go ;o) As well as finishing off 'Wasteland' (a collection of 'post apocalypse' stories, a review will probably go up tomorrow) I'm working on setting up a couple of interviews and I've still got some cool Christmas DVDs to work my way through. It's looking pretty good right now so don't be a stranger... ;o)

1 comment:

  1. Ya, going back to work after a decent Christmas break is rough. I was back 3 days last week and I still felt out of the flow going back today.


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