Saturday 1 December 2007

The Twelve Books of Christmas!

Where has this year gone? It only seems like yesterday that I was looking out of the study window on a cold grey July day. While the weather hasn't changed all of a sudden it's December! I've read some great books this year and, looking at my bookshelf, I've still got some great books to read before the year is out! Patrick Rothfuss' 'The Name of the Wind' is one that springs to mind and I've also got a copy of the new 'Wild Cards' collection to have a look at as well.
Seeing as it's now the festive season I thought I'd get in on the act and do my own impersonation of Father Christmas :o) Like I said, I've read some great books this year and I'm going to give some of them away (and some that look good but I didn't get time to read) to readers of this blog. Twelve days of Christmas, twelve books to give away. How does that grab you? Here's the thing though; when you were little you never knew what Father Christmas was going to bring did you? Well, it's the same deal here, you're not going to know what you've got until it comes through your front door...
Still fancy a go? Just drop me an email (address in the top right hand corner) telling me who you are and where you live, it's as simple as that. Comments next to the post are always great but won't count as an entry this time (makes it easier for me to keep track of things). Also, let me know what kind of stuff you're into (sci-fi, fantasy etc). I'll be announcing four winners a week, over the next three weeks, so if you don't make it into the first lot then you still have a chance!
Good Luck!


  1. Wow, twelve (12!) books? This is too good to pass up. Graeme is generosity incarnate.

  2. Cool! Sorta like Secret Santa but evil-er. :)

    (followed your post over from David's forum, BTW)

  3. Graeme, you're a lovely man. I loved the previous book you sent so am looking forward to the postman!


  4. Consider me in you lovely man, you!

  5. Thanks for making a fun contest. I love the mystery part. It is exciting to receive a book when you don't know what to expect. Happy Holidays! Cindi

  6. Hi Graeme! I am so excited to have won a book from you! I appreciate you sponsoring such a wonderful Christmas
    giveaway! It is really a lot of fun.
    "Happy Holidays!" Cindi

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I'm in and I've won! Huzzah from Europe!! And happy Christmas to everyone:)


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