Wednesday 12 December 2007

The Return of… ‘Mystery Book Giveaway!’

Another week and four more people have books headed their way, these lucky folks are…

Peta Banks, Norwich, UK
Sarah Heacox, Los Angeles, USA
Lindsey DeLallo, Plymouth (MN), USA
Nazma Bhaijee, London, UK

Happy Reading and Happy Christmas you guys! :o)
For those of you who missed out this time, don’t worry. There’s still one more batch of books to be sent out to four lucky winners… That goes for anyone else who’s only just heard of this competition. Want in? Just drop me an email with your mailing address and the sort of stuff that you’re into. I’ll be announcing the final set of winners next Wednesday…


  1. Excellent news! I can't wait for the next stage of the game where I find out what the mystery book is... I feel as though I am about 10 years old and it's the day before my birthday! Thank you so much!

  2. Me too! I'm so excited! Thank you so much!!! Lovely, lovely! :)

  3. I won! I am looking forward to receiving my gift.
    Thank you very much Graeme and keep up the good work :)

  4. Woo Hoo! I can't wait for my book to come! I'm dying to find out what it is...

  5. A copy of Nathalie Mallet's The Princes of the Golden Cage arrived in the post this morning and I am guessing that it's connected with you! I've just re-read your review from August and am looking forward to reading it. Thanks again.

  6. Peta - You guessed right! Hope you enjoy it ;o)

  7. Hi Graeme,

    And they try to make us believe there is no Santa Claus !

    Well there is and he thinks I have been a good boy because I am a WINNER ! Thanks and now if I get a stroke as the tension builds waiting to find out what book I have won, I will know who to blame.

    Have a happy Christmas.


  8. Hi Graeme,

    Just to let you know that The Electric Church arrived in my mailbox on Saturday, 29th.

    I am in the middle of two other books but I will get around to in in a couple of weeks.

    Thanks very much and all the best for 2008.



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