Monday 10 December 2007

Monday 'Linky' Extravaganza!

After having vented my spleen at 'The Charon Covenant', yesterday, I find myself with not an awful lot to talk about. However, these people have lots to say (and it's all good)...

Remy's back and has a few things to say about the
Malazan books. Welcome back Remy!

If you head on over to the Wertzone, you will see the first review of Joe Abercrombie's Last Argument of Kings to make it onto the net. Adam loved it, I'm spending a lot of time waiting for a copy to come through the letterbox...

Lawrence has already put 2007 behind him and is looking forward to his 14 most anticipated titles of 2008. I'm looking forward to these as well...

Alice didn't get her review up as fast as Adam but she loved Last Argument of Kings as well.

The Book Swede is giving away some of his favourite books of the last year...

Larry's got a Gene Wolfe thing going on and gives us his thoughts on The Sword of the Lictor

Pat enjoyed 'Acacia' but didn't think it was as good as the hype suggests...

Tia has Janet Lorimer's Master of Shadows as her featured debut.

I reckon that's enough linky goodness for you all to be going on with! ;o) If you still want more then click on the blogs at the side, they're great as well!


  1. Just must be kidding me, putting 2007 behind me? No way! ;) I am still frantically reading through some of the novels that have been released in 2007 to be able to pull a 'best of' list together. Thanks for the linkage though. :)

  2. Cheers for the linkage Graeme! I was pleased to see that The Charon Covenant wasn't great -- my copy never turned up! :P I won't pursue it!

    Got a lot of bad POD books to review, not been looking forward to reviewing them! Oh well!


  3. Chris - I didn't think my copy was going to show up but it did...
    Yours is coming! (mwhahahahaha!)

  4. Noooooo!

    Oh dear. Well, I've got two books to review this afternoon which I think I'm going to do a joint review for. Maybe The Charon Covenant can't be as bad as these!

    *Fingers crossed*


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